About us, about our kindergarten

Dear Mums and Dads,

Is it important for you that in the early stages of your child’s life he can learn  in an environment where people care for their development and individual needs?

If you would like to enrol your child into a Kindergarten of high standards and also with family atmosphere, then this is the place you are looking for! Don’t hesitate, come and visit us!

The Education Act specifies that kindergartens may not start to operate without Licenses.

Before opening the kindergarten, we consulted  several experts to create an environment which meets even the highest  standards, including even those of the EU. We received lots of help from the specific authorities, for which we are very thankful.

To get more information on the licenses and requirements regarding Operation, please feel free to contact us or click here.

We would suggest that you inquire about these operating licenses, before you enrol your child in any private institution.

What do you need to know about our kindergarten?

  • The Mother Goose Kindergarten is a private foundation set up in 2002. situated in the 12th district. The Kindergarten occupies two well designed buildings with extensive gardens,   a well-equipped playground, swimming pool, splendid view and  fresh air.
  • Our highly qualified English-speeking  teachers welcome children from the age of 2 to 2½ in a friendly community. Our aim is to encourage  the children’s individuality and develop their personality with a suitable, high standard of child care and by providing a safe and peaceful environment. This way the children will be ready for the next important stage of life…
  • We have the professional assistance of a speach therapist, a child psychologist and a pediatrician who are also monitoring the children to help us in our work.
  • We have development programs, sports and healthy diet.
Mothergoose Kindergarten
Swimming pool of the Mothergoose Kindergarten
Other side of the Mothergoose Kindergarten

Why to choose Mother Goose Kindergarten?

Because with us your children

  • develop in a child-centered environment
  • feel safe in the family atmosphere
  • can spend their days on the top of Széchenyi-hill in nice surroundings and fresh air
  • develop using all of their senses
  • develop in an individual way at their own pace
  • learn spontaneously in an easy-learning atmosphere
  • learn English in a play-centered, natural way
  • become responsible, caring users of their environment
  • find help and understanding from the kindergarten staff
  • can develop within themselves a respect and acceptance of the world around them

More information

Do you have any questions about our kindergarten? Read what others usually ask!

Take a look at our photo gallery, get a glimpse behind the "walls"!

If you would like to register your child with us, please read the application information:

Why choose Mothergoose Kindergarten?
Mother Goose alapítványi magánóvoda Budapest 12. kerület

1121 Budapest, Széchényi emlékút 22. (Melinda út 19.)

Open hours weekdays 7:00-17:00

Information about the kindergarten

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